Family Lawyers

Family Lawyers
Nevile & Co. family lawyers understand that married and defacto couples go through a tremendous amount of stress when involved in a painful separation and divorce. Our team of family Lawyers will attempt to settle your matter in the most cost efficient manner. We have the experience and understanding that In many cases property disputes they can be resolved without the necessity of initiating proceedings in court.

We are skilled in assisting our clients to protect their assets in these circumstances for example, protecting family wealth and assets from a claim by a de facto partner or spouse, and protecting assets and financial resources if you have been previously separated or divorced. Working in Family law mattes is a diverse and specialised area of the law, complicated both by the complex legal issues and the often emotionally charged environment in which it is practised.

Nevile & Co. have an experienced team that understands all aspects of family law including negotiation, alternative dispute resolution, mediation, and if all else fails, litigation. We have a high level of legal expertise which is required, but also an understanding and empathetic approach to the needs of our clients, in which every situation is different, whether your married or in a de facto partnership, our team has a genuine care our clients and truly want the best outcome in each circumstance. We still step you through one of the most difficult times of your life, always aiming to achieve the best outcome possible in a cost effective and timely manner.’